Scholarship and Research
EDTC 811 - Summer Institute III
Summer 2016
This course is the third five-week intensive summer seminar for Year III doctoral cohort candidates. Candidates foster their development as scholars and professionals for service by presenting their original scholarly work to a wider audience and provide a professional portfolio with a growth plan for continued learning and renewal.
EDTC 803 - Data Analysis and Report Writing
Summer 2014 - Dr. Twomey
This course will focus on the content and the mechanics of effective data analysis and report writing. Candidates will analyze textual and graphical data from many sources, process data in ways that readers can understand, and generate comprehensive academic and business reports.
A sample memorandum disseminating information about an advertisement campaign.
Stock and investment opportunity analysis.
A branding research project for an independent elementary school.
A recommendation for professional development stipend.
EDTC 806 - Research Methods in Educational Technology Leadership
Spring 2015 - Dr. Twomey
With the program’s emphasis on the scholarship of teaching and innovative learning experiences, this course is an in-depth treatment of the research process and techniques for planning and designing research projects. Emphasis will be placed on the appropriate choice of methodologies for a variety of problem situations.
Article published in the Journal of Applied Learning Technology: Educational Technology at the Intersection of East Meets West: China's Globalization in the Digital Age.
A sample table of contents for a book on dissertation writing.
A sample chapter 3 of a dissertation.
EDTC 809 - Assessment and Evaluation
Fall 2015
This course provides an introduction to systematic inquiry using assessment methods to understand, evaluate and solve user and organizational needs. Candidates will integrate their knowledge of research methods with the real-world challenges of conducting and analyzing research in educational and corporate settings.
Observational notes taken on interactions that took place at a laundromat.
A case study of a video-based Spanish FLEX program.
Proposal of a research study on adaptive learning systems for foreign language instruction.
A study to asses the perceptions of undergraduate students of Spanish on the use of Vista Higher Learning Central.
EDTC 810 - Statistics for Educational Research
Spring 2016
Candidates will develop competence in applying, synthesizing, and evaluating statistics from sources including dissertation, journals, technical reports, and Web sites. With an emphasis on the scholarship of teaching, candidates will move from basic to context driven statistics, applying the fundamental concepts and procedures of descriptive and inferential statistics to real-world applications.
Statistical inference report on a scholarly journal article and a mainstream media article.
A website with statistical definitions and tutorials for educators.
A peer critique of statistics website.
Data analysis of the PISA assessment and OECD membership.