Hola, Incense sticks represent a good example of purpose-driven technology. Can you meditate without burning incense? Yes. But the use of incense has the potential to improve the experience by keeping you awake (or relaxing you) and signaling when it is time to stop. The same should be true of the tech tools we use. Abrazos, Doctora Collado
Hola, There seems to be a misconception that in order to teach children effectively, one must be a clown of sorts. In my experience, I have found that nothing is further from the truth. Teaching children is an extremely serious task, that requires a solid foundation in teaching methodology, combined with good instincts and a sense of humor. Below I share resources that explore this topic. How to Talk so Kids Will Listen - Books Won't You Be My Neighbor? - Documentary Responsive Classroom: Positive Community - Articles Mundo de Pepita: Creating a Calm Classroom - Blog Post Hasta pronto, Doctora Collado Hola, Today I want us to reflect on the use we give to our gadgets. How are the tech tools we use helping us improve our daily lives? Do we need an upgrade or put them away more often? Abrazos, Doctora Collado Hola, What you may not know about me is that when I am not working, I like to read about non-digital technologies and spirituality. So, I decided to start sharing some of what I have learned along the way. Stay tuned, Doctora Collado Hola, When it comes to teaching it is important that we acknowledge that our students are emotional beings. We cannot just focus on content and procedures all the time. Life happens each day, and sometimes we need to listen and help students build emotional intelligence. The use of objects as a means to transfer emotions may seem like a magic trick. However, I have learned that giving a worry doll as a gift to a student when the time is right, can help them shift their perspective and heal their sorrow. Click on the links below to learn more about the history of worry dolls and read about a few ideas on how to incorporate them in the Spanish classroom. Watch the video to find out how I used them this past school year. Hasta luego, Doctora Collado Hola, On the last vlog post, I shared ideas on how to have a structured game day. Consequently, I continued to reflect on the use of games in my classes. On today's post, I share my thoughts and invite you to reflect on the concept of learning through play and how can your classes benefit from it. Hasta pronto, Doctora Collado |
March 2022